Warrior Within

Once again, art becomes medicine for me.  Today’s tune for Tuesday was chosen after working on this painting and looking for a song that spoke to strength and trusting our inner warrior as we go through life.  This song, Medicine, by a group I love, Rising Appalachia, seems fitting.

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This painting came about as my take on this week’s Life Book 2015 bonus lesson, inner guardian, with Tamara LaPorte.  What a wonderful lesson and idea!  Mine turned into an inner warrior (which is a kind of guardian I think) and started to tell bits of a story.  Before I share the clues I see to her story, take another look and see if she has a story for you.  I’d love to hear if she shares a message with you in the comments. 🙂

While I was shading the face, there was a piece of fuzz that got stuck in the paint and while trying to remove it, the paper under her green eye was ruined.  I decided to embrace it as a scar and part of her story and that is when she evolved from an inner guardian to a strong warrior with a story to tell (when I refer to warrior, I think of the way a warrior is described in the Toltec tradition by Don Miguel Ruiz as opposed to one who fights in military wars).  She reminds me of several women that I have met that have survived some kind of abuse and chosen not to let it define us.  She reminds me that the strong people I’ve met have not had easy lives, yet, we find strength within when we must.

Initially, I added only one side of the wings next to her eye as suggested in the lesson.  Yet, she seemed to want the other wings added as well so I said, “okay”.  She then reminded me of the shape shifters I’ve read about in fantasy stories.  It’s as if her other shape becomes part of her and settles there by the eye until she changes again.  Butterflies also represent transformation.  The green wings remind me of a luna moth and I imagine her flying through the darkness towards the light.

She seemed to want all of the elements somehow represented in the painting.  I added the tree to represent grounding and Earth, along with the green dress.  The cloudy sky represents water.  The wings and feathers represent the air.  The sun represents fire.  She reminds me that we are all connected and part of nature and that we breathe the same air, that we are part of a bigger cycle.

She also reminds me of a favorite quote by Hodding Carter: ‘There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots; the other, wings.’  The tree on her neck seems to say to me that our voice comes from our roots.   One of my best friends calls me sunshine so I love adding sunshine into my paintings as a little personal touch, in addition to the bright light it adds.

She reminds me of native Americans with the feathers in her hair.  There is a story in my family that we are somehow related to a native American princess from way back.  One side of my family came over on the Mayflower, and the story comes from that side.  I have no idea if there is any truth to it, yet the story itself is still part of my memories and mystery.  Another side of my family has Irish ancestry so I added the symbol in the green wings to remind me of a Celtic knot type symbol.  There’s a lot of my own heritage that I don’t know because my grandmother was adopted and we don’t know who her father was.   I embrace the entire human family as part of my family so I like to add aspects of various cultures when painting people.


Though I didn’t intend to tell a story when I originally sketched this inner guardian, she seems to have one.  To me, she seems to say, “Trust the warrior within.  You are brave and you have the strength to thrive.”  The story I imagine comes from my experiences and exploration.  I wonder if she would tell a different story to others. 🙂  She is dedicated to all the survivors of abuse, to all those that have battled disease, to those fighting for sanity, to those overcoming grief, to the warrior within each of us. ❤

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I’ve made this available as a print or card on Instaprints because I think she would be a great gift of encouragement to anyone needing to find and trust the strength within.

May we all find strength within and thrive. ❤

About thrivetrue

Thrivivalist * Artist * Author * Facilitator * Mother
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17 Responses to Warrior Within

  1. Welcome to Warrior Within! She feels very exciting to me. I love her tree, her feathers, her sunshine & all that she represents. She is kind & wise.💜

  2. lovingrd says:

    Thanks, Jaybird. I love her! I see lots of little aspects that are far from perfect, yet she is beautiful to me. 🙂

  3. I love your take on the lesson and the way you’ve built in so much visual meaning and symbolism.

  4. She is truly moving Julia..! The thing that hit me the most was that we are part of a bigger circle. She embodies that :)) well done as always..!! {{xx}}

    • lovingrd says:

      Thank you, Minerva! It touches me to feel that my work can move you when I feel much less capable as an artist (improving though! 🙂 ) than the amazing work I see you create. ❤

      • you are far better than me my dear friend because you bring emotions to what you make.. lines and dots mean nothing, smiles and tears are the true essence of amazing art..! :)) ❤

  5. Christina says:

    I love how you took this lesson to the next level, by applying symbolism to your piece. Warrior Within has a strong and brave spirit. She holds with her the key to love and happiness, she not only protects you, but gives you guidance to believe in yourself. This is a very powerful piece. I’m moved by it. Thank you for sharing her.

    • lovingrd says:

      Wow. Thank you, Christina, for taking the time to share your thoughts and that it touched you so. It really makes the time it takes to maintain a blog and write the posts, along with the courage to share so much publicly, worth it when I learn that it has moved someone. ❤

  6. nurseratchet says:

    I love everything about her, as most of us have been her.

    • lovingrd says:

      Thank you. I have been amazed how many people I have met that have survived so much. Yes, she is meant to represent the strength in each of us. ❤

  7. Iris says:

    JULIA omg your art is evolving SO MUCH. You put me to shame, I have hardly been getting into my art room lately. It’s so nice to see your style evolving. I see your purple haired women from a year (a year??) ago in here, but your skill level is just going THROUGH THE ROOF. I absolutely LOVE this piece, both what it looks like, the execution and the story behind it. I love how you’re not afraid to dig into the meaning around creating and your art. It’s something I’d like to practice much more. Wow I so wish we lived closer to each other so we could create art together. The tree on her neck really really speaks to me.

    • lovingrd says:

      Oh, Iris, thank YOU so very much. No shame, though, girl! 😉 You have been a busy momma to 2 adorable young ones, making awesome art, AND making e-courses! I have not yet started video for my first e-course. I have been preparing for it a bit and hope to have it out in time for fall here, when boots are back in season. 😉 And, yes, the first purple haired muse that I made was last summer so almost a year now. It means so much to know that you see improvement and evolution. 🙂 I can’t seem to help digging into the meaning of it! 😉 I actually try not to sometimes and I play and experiment a lot, yet I just seem to always be wondering what it means and if there’s some kind of message there. Maybe it’s because I came back to creating art as a kind of healing spiritual practice. I would absolutely LOVE to get together one of these days. We hope to take the kids to Europe eventually so maybe I’ll make it to London again. 🙂 Seems several of the faces I’ve done want to have some kind of tattoo on the neck area (the chakra and area for the voice). I love her tree, too. 🙂 ❤

  8. Corinne says:

    Beautiful post! I absolutely LOVE the painting!!! It is awesome!!!

  9. Pingback: Warrior Soul | LovingRd

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