Story Time (About)

Artist, Brave Heart, Divine Drummer, Explorer, Farm Girl, Grateful Guide, Mystic, Mountain Momma, Rockband Singer, Sweet Sunshine, Thrivivalist, Wild Woman ❤

Falling in love with life through art and wonder in memory of my mom to carry on her legacy of love for self, others, nature, and life.  Opening my hands, head, and heart… my being, to the wonder of creation, the art of living and loving.  Sharing soul food. 🙂

I hope to inspire and encourage both myself and others to beat to our own drums, live our dreams, choose joy, respect others and nature, wonder wild, love more than fear, put our brave boots on, celebrate the variety and sweet in life, dance with the wild mystery, and thrive in harmony.  I found that making art helped to heal my broken heart after my mom, Paulette, lost the battle with ovarian cancer in June, 2010. My hope is to make something beautiful from the broken with Loving Rd in her memory.

Please Join the new Loving Rd Guest Address Book to keep in touch and receive digital happy mail, occasional email updates, and sweet soul food!

Our home is filled with soul food through the art displayed from various artists.  Guests often comment about how much they appreciate the inspirational messages and good vibes. Thankfully, I’m now able to offer artistic soul food as cards, wall hangings, accessories, and home décor through various online shops.

I am also thrilled to be empowering others to do the same for their own homes, hearts, and handmade gifts through online courses!  Art has been such a saving grace and wonderful, healing, playful, spiritual joy for me.  I call myself a ‘born again artist’ because I lost touch with the artist within for too long.  Now, I’m delighted to be guiding others to experience the magic possible when playfully creating as well.


Instead of a fine art degree program, I’m blessed to be doing an on-going self-directed art program.  I am extremely grateful for the plethora of opportunities that exist these days!  I feel fortunate to have the freedom to choose my guides and classes.  To me, this is the best kind of school, lots of learning, creativity, exploration and encouragement and no grades or competition!  This is also why and how we home school our children.  It’s wonderful to see and feel the integration and infusion as my art and creative process evolve!

These are my twin boys (burrito brothers 🙂 ) and another reason I started Loving Rd… to share their Grammie’s legacy and example with them as she shines on, in, and through me.


Honestly, I think we are all artists, life artists!  It is in our very nature to create.  May we all find joy in the bittersweet art of living and loving, have the courage to beat to our own drums, our own dreams, our own heartbeats, and thrive, true, open, and free in harmony.

Come on over for a virtual visit to our home, sweet home.  🙂

May you find something that brings a smile to your heart and feeds your soul while visiting this site!  Thank you for taking the time to spend a few moments of your life with me.  I hope you have a *be*you*to*full* day!

If you find value in Loving Rd and would like to reciprocate, you can unleash your generosity with a contribution of any amount through this fair exchange system (and download digital wallpaper/artful soul food). ❤  Thank you from the depths of my heart.

I love guest book entries here at our physical home and you can leave entries as well through the comments at this virtual home.  I’ve even set up a dedicated page as a guest book because I’m so very grateful to have * YOU * as a guest here! 🙂 ❤  Thank you for visiting Loving Rd!  I’d love to have you visit here often. 🙂  

Would you like to take a walk with me through the seasons at Loving Rd?  The following posts share several photos that capture the beauty and inspiration (without the bugs and extreme temperatures!). 😉

Where I live/work/play/create (summer)

An Autumn Walk in the Woods

Wonderful Winter Walk & Sparkling Snow

Sweet Springtime Walk

A Walk Around Nearby Mountain Lake

May we thrive in harmony,
Julia (a.k.a. Jules)

braveheartboots           memoryofpaulette

Click the image to enlarge if you’d like to read the dragonfly story I read at her memorial.

cdcoverv4 copy cdinsidev7

Visit Loving Rd:

Instagram, Facebook, Etsy, Instaprints, Redbubble, Society6, YouTube, Pinterest

Please respect and protect the source of content on this site. © Loving Rd by Julia Osterc
Please feel free to share the link(s) to the blog and posts. Please do not copy or reproduce any portion of this content or the artwork without specific permission from the author and artist, Julia Osterc.  Thank you!

6 Responses to Story Time (About)

  1. I cannot believe how similar we are creatively. It’s awesomely eery! 🙂 love your blog and ideas. You are one cool chic! 🙂 🙂

  2. I couldn’t tell if my last comment went through but I was just saying how amazed I am at how similar we are creatively. Yours is a soulful journey as well and you do all sorts of things like me. It was like a mirror. Too cool! Keep up the great work!!

    • lovingrd says:

      Jenn – I just saw these comments from way back in July! Don’t know how I missed them before. Thanks for taking the time to check out the blog and thanks for being such an amazing new friend. I feel like we’ve known each other for ages. Would love to actually find time to see each other more often. Love your art, writing, and soul! ❤ 🙂

  3. Carrie Lynn says:

    Glad to have found your blog Julia. Art does help in a lot of ways. 🙂

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