Dare I share?

Dare I share these unfiltered/uncensored words?  Deep breath… let go and trust the process and the energy that flows through.  In spite of my initial intention to add to and clarify this painting, when I sat down to do so, only words flowed.  So, while others may not see the same things I see in the painting, I am going to let it be just as it is.  It has spoken to/through me with its energy and subtle shapes.  I did not judge, filter, censor, nor analyze the message.  I just let the words flow onto the paper, without thought, as shared below.

daringtoshare72lq copy

Free Truth

We are all angels inside
Dancing to the cycles of the moon and life
Learning to see, to listen, to reach out with our wings,
to touch faith.
Though our vision may blur trying to see through the mist of the unknown,
we keep wandering, seeking to find our way, the way of truth.
What is truth?
A knowing,
a feeling,
an action,
an existence?
A feather,
a fern,
falling or flight?
May we open ourselves to truth,
to love and life,
to be and play,
to sing in harmony with all that is
and embrace the mystic peace of freedom.

~ Julia Osterc Sept. 25,2014

Wings Wide Open

Let feathers fly
Letting go
Fear less
Live more
Have less
Be free
Greet this life
with wings wide Open

Burst forth
Bloom bright
Open heart
Shining light
Energy shield
embracing all
trusting the truth
of the divine within
Being beyond
Finding freedom
Healing the broken
heart of the universe
stitch by stitch
as we come together again

~ Julia Osterc Sept 25, 2014


Illusion or imagination
What is this wonderful
world we each perceive?
Are the dream and the dreamer
one and the same?
Does anything really have its own name?
Is it all a game?
Are faith and freedom one?
How do you pray?
Should we let go or embrace?
Can all the answers be yes?
Live, Open, Dance, Sing, Be, Fly, Do, Play, Love, Hate,
But No!
But Yes.
Say what?
Trust, Liberate, Believe, Perceive, Disappear?

~ Julia Osterc Sept 25, 2014

Wild Wisdom

Beetles sing, birds fly, trees grow.
We ask why?
Rain waters, sun shines, frogs croak.
What reasons can we find?
Clouds pass by.
What do we see?
Machines of man roar by.
What am I supposed to be?
The birds soar free.
As the cage of a plane goes near,
a butterfly glides naturally in the treetops.
Is there a difference
between love and fear?
How we humans ponder.
What makes us wonder?
Screw it.
We blew it.
Dare we play again?
Oh, I wonder.
Who/what/when/where/why/how is God?

~ Julia Osterc Sept 25, 2014

About thrivetrue

Thrivivalist * Artist * Author * Facilitator * Mother
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